When John saw Jesus on the isle of Patmos, he noticed the Lord was standing among seven golden lampstands and held seven stars in His right hand. Jesus explained this “mystery” to John right away… “The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels (pastors/messengers) of the seven churches: and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.” – (Revelation 1:20)
There is nothing more comforting than the fact we are in the Lord’s hands, and He walks among His people. Jesus elaborated on this to those who were hostile to Him and His disciples… “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give to them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone pluck them out of My hand. My Father, who gave them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one (united in this power/purpose)” (John 10:27-30).
Many arrogant world leaders of the past have boasted “the future is in our hands.” They couldn’t have been more mistaken, and we’re hearing the same smug boast today. But we have God’s promise to those who have trusted in the nail-pierced hands of His Son… “You have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy… my times are in Your hand… Oh how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up in store for those who reverence You: which You have worked for those who trust in You before the sons of the men!” (Psalm 31:8,15,19)
The times are evil, but we’re in His hands. There’s no safer Place to be. Trust.