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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Impossible Deliverance

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

As we approach these final days, the spiritual warfare is palpable. Just this week, a pastor is being sued for hate speech for calling pedophilia a sin. The family unit is being ripped apart by false teachings directed straight at their teens, and even churches are becoming more like “life coaches” than Lighthouses. The spiritual assault is everywhere, and affecting everyone, at every age. “Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,” and we need to be prepared.

One of the most beautiful truths in God’s Word is that He specializes in making a way when there is no other way. When every possibility is gone, He steps in.

In Daniel’s day, he was hated because of the favor the king showed him. His fellow workers, Babylonians, set him up to be guilty of a crime for simply praying. The set up worked, and Daniel was charged with a “crime against the king” and cast into a pit of hungry(starving) lions. The next morning the king rushed out to see if he was alive or dead, and Daniel stated, “My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me…” (Daniel 6:22)

Three other Jewish men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, also in Babylon, were charged with refusing to bow down to a golden image. The King’s words were a taunt to God…”If you do not bow down and worship my image, you will be thrown into the hot furnace. Then no god will be able to save you from my power!” (Daniel 3:15). He hadn’t met The God that delivers!

Friends, our world doesn’t want us here. The “Unwelcome” mat is clearly visible to all of us that love the Lord, and to the Lord’s chosen people. This world’s leaders are making it harder to be a Believer, to uphold Christian values, and to honor God when the world upholds the opposite. But it’s at this juncture that Moses saw the Red Sea part, and Paul and Silas watched the doors of the prison shake off their hinges. When the way forward seems impossible, look up! He is our great God that delivers at the eleventh hour, fifty-ninth minute, fifty ninth second.

We are there.

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