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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

I Will Be A Father To You

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


Oh, the comfort of having a loving earthly father! We had bears that would come too close to the house, even climbing the log posts that led to the balcony by my bedroom. I remember distinctly saying to myself, “No harm will come to us because Dad is here.” I slept soundly on that truth. Where there is a loving father, there is protection.


“And I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18). Do we realize the double blessing we’ve been given if we have had a godly earthly father AND a Heavenly Father? We are never orphaned or alone. “Behold, I am with you till the end of the age,” is a promise to build our lives on.


To be loved well is the best teacher. Going forward, we never have to wonder how to care for those in our lives, as we have sat in the shadow of the best example. Loving like our Heavenly Father is first and foremost, sacrificial. We were loved when we were not lovable. We were wanted even when we “all like sheep had gone astray, choosing our own path.” We were dealt with patiently as our young hearts pursued self over God. He continued in His steadfast love towards us even as our own worldly emotions proved untrustworthy.


When that day came that we trusted God as our Savior and Father, and wholly committed our lives to Him and His purposes, the welcoming embrace of God forever changed our lives. The love of this world quickly fades in comparison to His perfect love. Fickleness in earthly relationships only magnifies the Solid Rock of His perfect love. Earthly waters don’t satisfy anymore, and oh, the sweet joy of being refreshed daily in His words of life and love - it never gets old.


May you feel the loving embrace of your Heavenly Father this Father’s Day. May you realize afresh the magnitude of what it means to be a son or daughter to the Creator of the universe and world. Every hurt this world has created in us is seen and known by Him. He is there to bring healing and wholeness where this world has left pain and brokenness.


What a joy to be His, and to be loved so well! Happy Father’s Day!

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