This evening begins the Day of Atonement. In this celebration, two identical goats were brought to the high priest. One goat would be sacrificed as a sin-offering for the nation, and its blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in the holy of holies. When that was done, the high priest would come out and confess all the sins of the nation for the past year upon the head of the second goat, and they would send it away into the wilderness never to return. The crowds would watch in humble awe as their sin was transferred off themselves, onto another, and carried away for another year.
This shadow of “good things to come” finds its fulfilment in Jesus. His blood, which paid for our sins, also removes them… “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” – (Psalm 103:12). Jesus promises that when He forgives our sins, He will “remember them no more.” He will never bring them up to you again. They’ve been removed forever.
It would only stain and insult such perfection to think some human could add anything to this perfect work of Christ. Like the crowds of old, we can only watch with tear-stained faces, and marvel at His great love for us. That’s why this day was called a Sabbath, there is no work for us to do, but humble our hearts before Him in thankful awe... "For by grace you are saved through faith; and that (salvation) is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" - (Ephesians 2:8,9).
While this day has yet a future fulfilment for the nation of Israel, Jesus still invites sinners to “Come” find rest for their souls. In contrast to this world that loves to condemn, fault-find, and accuse, Jesus welcomes the guilty. Even the worst sin-stains on hearts and consciences, can be made “as white as snow.”
The scope of His forgiveness is listed in the Book of Hebrews… “Not by the blood of bulls and goats, but by His own blood, He entered once-for-all into the Holy Place (Heaven), having obtained ETERNAL REDEMPTION for us… that we might receive the promise of ETERNAL INHERITANCE… for by one offering He has PERFECTED FOREVER those that are sanctified (set apart from the world by faith in Him). – (Hebrews 9:12,15; 10:14)
If you’re a Believer in Christ, may this day be a day of reflection and awe at His amazing gift of salvation. If you’re not a Believer, I pray you hear His voice to come find “rest for your soul” today. He’s only a prayer away and His arms are open wide.