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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

His Glorious Power

There was a place we used to visit each summer that had a beautiful waterfall. But it was tucked inside the mountain in a hidden place. People could drive right by it and not know it was there. Those who knew walked the small trail to find the path opened to an oasis of beauty and rest. Offering shade from the heat, beauty to the eyes, the rich smell of pine, and the centerpiece was the majestic rushing waters. It was a place to stop and find refreshment in its power and beauty.

Three times in Revelation we are told that Jesus’ voice was “as the sound of many waters.” To John on the isle of Patmos, a place that was supposed to destroy him, he found the Lord’s Voice (Word) refreshing, strengthening, and upholding him in power (Revelation 1:15, 14:2, 19:6).

We are living in a dry and barren land of wickedness. How vital is our time to slip away from it all and find those hidden moments to be refreshed by the Lord. We need it more than ever so that we can be renewed to function above the stresses of these days, that we might be the “rocks” of reason, calmness, and hope for those in our own circles – especially the children. What the Lord infuses to us, we can pass on to others.

“Many Waters” speaks of refreshing power. It is Jesus who “upholds all things by the Word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3). He who upholds the universe, promises to strengthen us “with all might, according to HIS glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness” (Colossians 1:11).

The Lord is waiting to restore our souls… if we will just “come aside and rest awhile” with Him and hear His Voice.

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