“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, SET YOUR HEARTS on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. SET YOUR MINDS on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4
Paul wrote this epistle during his first imprisonment in Rome, around AD 60-62. The Colossian church had a problem with false teachers claiming that Jesus was not God, and this report was brought back to Paul.
Satan has always attempted to demote Jesus to simply a “kind teacher” status, robbing Him of His power to transform lives. Many big, popular churches today preach the same thing in the name of Christianity. But Paul reminds them that they “died with Christ, and are now raised with Christ,” and their lives are now “hidden with Christ.” And this same Christ is going to “appear” and “they will appear with Him.” This is not the power available to a mere “kind” teacher, but to the Son of God.
What does this “hidden” in Him mean? It’s the most sacred position our lives hold. A place of complete security, from now till eternity. It’s a place of belonging as a child of God, never to be removed from His family. It’s living for a purpose that is eternal, not just temporary. It’s making Christ, “our whole life.”
But dear Paul, he knew what it meant to have his mind and heart tucked safely and securely into the eternal purposes of God. He sat chained in prison, but yet still ministered the Word. His cell was underground, dark and dank, but the Light of the Truth of Jesus, as fully God, come in the flesh, burst forth from this dungeon. Nothing can stop the power of God’s saving grace, and nothing will stop its spread-not bad teachers, not jail cells, not evil politicians, or radical godless groups, but it will “fulfill wherever it is sent.” This, my friends, is the power of God and in Him we abide in our most Sacred Place-we are hidden in Christ, in His strength, and His enduring purposes. In Him, we are Home.