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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Heavenly Peace


The words “peace and security” seemed to fill the news this past week. All sorts of leaders promise their plans will bring it if only they are given the reins. Yet the evidence is all around us… “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isaiah 57:21).


Was it a ‘silent night’ when Jesus arrived? In the Roman Empire? No. In the towns and cities? No. Out in the fields with the Temple shepherds? Perhaps. But inside an ancient stone sheep-tower, the newborn Prince of Peace slept, while the fresh air of Heaven filled the room. Heaven’s eyes rested upon this humble abode, and Heaven’s Army surrounded it with joy.


This quality of “peace” belongs to all who welcome the Savior of the world into their hearts and homes. This is the promise of salvation… “And the work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever” (Isaiah 32:17). Our world has never been more troubled, yet inside humble homes all over the world there is indeed ‘peace on earth.’


As the world hurtles towards the Great Tribulation, it’s comforting to know that as long as the ‘Spirit of Peace’ is on earth, antichrist cannot be revealed or have full sway.  The angels brought the proclamation of “peace on earth” through Christ. But after the Rapture, a great war will take place to remove all preaching of Christ… “There went out a great red horse, and authority was given to him who sat on it to take peace from the earth…” (Revelation 6:4).


So while we still have time to share “peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” may the Lord “fill you with all joy and peace in believing,” and may you “sleep in heavenly peace” in your homes.

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