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Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

He Shall ...

When Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus rebuked him by quoting Scripture. Jesus had been fasting 40 days and nights, so He was at His weakest physical point. He began each answer with, “It is written…” This was an example for you and me, proving that with God’s Word to rely on, even in our deepest weaknesses, we need not fall victim to the Devil’s wiles.

When Pharisees attacked Jesus, He would again pull forward the Scriptures, saying, “Have you not read?” To the Sadducees, He said, “You err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.” To miss the one is to miss the other.

Knowing there is not one “jot or tittle” that shall not be fulfilled, to read the simple phrase “He shall…” is to plant our feet on Solid Rock. Psalm 72 is rich with these steppingstones of truth regarding Jesus… “He shall judge the people with righteousness… He shall save the children of the needy and break in pieces the oppressor… He shall come down like rain on mown grass… He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the (Euphrates) river to the ends of the earth… He shall deliver the needy… He shall spare the poor… He shall redeem their soul from violence… His name shall endure forever… all nations shall call Him blessed.”

In this day when the voices of those who speak truth are being suppressed and silenced, when our children are being preyed upon, and when evil people are seeking global dominion, knowing our Bibles is vital. Remember, Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection were all fulfilled “according to the Scriptures,” and it is through the Scriptures, not social media, or the evening news, that the Holy Spirit will show us “things to come.”

Our power to stand against the lies and wickedness of our times is found in knowing God’s Truth… “And wisdom and knowledge (God’s Word) shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is [your] treasure” – (Isaiah 33:6).

“He shall” are two of the most powerful, certain, and thrilling words in our Bibles. How many can you find? And when you do, stand on them and look up.

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