The Children of Israel are a perfect example of society today. They were witness to the greatest deliverance of their lifetime. The Red Sea parted, and they walked through on dry ground. How does one live through that and then question God if He’s able to deliver them from hunger, thirst, snake infestations, and false leaders among them? But they did, and God’s people still do today…
Here we sit 2000 years after the Great Deliverance of the cross. Heaven’s doors were flung open to “whosoever will believe,” and the entire eternal dilemma was resolved. From that point forward, whoever goes to hell is there by choice. Jesus had made a way.
So the question arises… “Is Jesus going to save us now?” Popular songs today echo this sentiment-“Where’s my Promised Land?” And “Will He part the waters so I can walk through?” But what we need to recognize is that while we wait for His return, great and phenomenal things are happening.
This is not time wasted or lost, the Ark of Salvation is filling up. Thousands upon thousands are coming to know the Lord in the midst of this global hopelessness. And just this past weekend, ten full flights have brought Ukrainian Jews home to Israel, with thirty-two more flights planned for this week. Prophecy is being fulfilled! He is gathering the Jews home to Israel just as He said He would. (Isaiah 11:12)
Among the world-wide church, a refining and purifying is taking place. For those that only came to Christ for what He could give them materially, here and now, they have become “woke” not holy, and have fallen away, while those that love the Lord for saving their souls have drawn nearer into His love and care with an intimacy they’ve never known before. The Body is being purified by fire, just as we were told it would (1 Peter 1:7), and it is good.
Friends, our salvation is promised, and we are safe in Him. But while we wait may our hearts recognize that God is moving in great ways. These days are bursting with purpose. God is making a way for us all. Keep watching!