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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Good News

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” – Proverbs 25:25


When Jesus came to earth, He was “Good News of great joy” from Heaven. Every word out of His mouth was grace, truth, and life, unlike anything this world has ever known. He was, and still is, the Fountain of Living Water to those thirsting for righteousness. His gift of eternal life to sinners – through His own death, burial, and resurrection – will forever be called “The Gospel” – Good News.


Jesus’ miracles were such a thrill of hope that it is written, “The people which sat in darkness saw Great Light; and to those which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up! From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, ‘Repent: for the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Matthew 4:16,17).


His love, miracles, truth, and light were a taste of the coming Kingdom, where these things will be the norm. Is this not the best news our world has ever heard? Because we are forgiven, Jesus will show us the path of life: in His presence is fulness of joy; at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11).


We have Help for each day, Hope for tomorrow, Strength for the way, Comfort for each trial, Wisdom from above, Truth that can’t be shaken, and everlasting Joy in our hearts. It is our great honor to share the Good News of Christ until the Trumpet of His return is blown. And when we’re done, angels will continue to herald it from the skies until the last judgment on evil falls.


Want good news today? “Don’t set your mind on earthly things, set your heart on things Above, where Christ is seated…”   The King is coming.

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