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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

God's Calendar

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

It’s amazing to think that the Creator of this whole universe has intricately timed the rotation of the earth around the sun to bring seasons, and the earth’s rotation upon its axis to give us night and day. Timing to God is intricate!

Likewise, God’s timing had each prophet live and write for a set number of years, bringing truth for their present day, as well as insight for the future. Their birth, their calling, and their passing were on Perfect time. God spoke to Ezekiel about a time when Israel would be persecuted, and millions would die - it happened.

He also spoke of a time when an evil alliance would form between Turkey, Russia, and Iran, and they would rise up against Israel (Ezekiel 37-39). The alliance has formed - just as He said. They have been practicing war strategies together for over two years now. There is an indisputable Divine inertia to His timeline.

God’s calendar was explicitly accurate as Jesus entered earth’s story on time, as planned, and exited on time, as planned. His calendar isn’t alterable.

The most compelling part of God’s Divine Calendar is that it is going to happen with or without our consent. His timing is not altered by our lack of readiness - it will happen regardless. “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness, but He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

Dear ones, the patience of God is a precious gift! But His coming will not be put off indefinitely. May we pray for the final harvest of souls before the trumpet sounds and this age in God’s timeline closes. It most certainly will happen, just as every other word He has spoken has happened. His calendar is without error.

The beautiful part is that we can trust when He says, “I WILL come and receive you unto Myself,” we know He means it, because He’s always on schedule.

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