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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Glory In The Cross

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


“Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation (for your life), a Stone, a tested Stone, a Precious Cornerstone, a Sure Foundation: whoever believes shall not be ashamed” (Isaiah 28:16).


Everyone knows that a house without a foundation will shift and fall apart. Our lives are the same. Every life needs a foundation, or the destruction will be far worse than crumbling boards and stones. This verse from Isaiah was written against a backdrop just like our day. Their leaders were smug in deception… “we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.” Yet God promised eternal safety, then and now, in Christ through the Cross.


The Cross is hope, help, truth, and justice for all time. Jesus’ death was the brutal necessity to save us. That’s what it took. Jesus prayed, “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me.” He said that for our benefit.  There was no other way.  His substitutionary death saves all who will get honest about their own sin and place their faith in Him. But for those rejecting His pardon, His resurrection assures they will face perfect, and eternal, justice.


Peter quotes this verse from Isaiah, adding… “Unto you therefore who believe, He is precious” (1 Peter 2:7).  Yes, He is.  And we will glory in the Cross forever. We’ll continue singing of His goodness, weeping over such sacrificial love, and marveling anew at such amazing grace.  The hymn, “I Stand Amazed” says it perfectly …


“When with the ransomed in Glory

His face I at last shall see,

‘Twill be my theme through the ages,

To sing of His love for me.


How marvelous! How wonderful!

And my song shall ever be!

How marvelous! How wonderful!

Is my Savior’s love for me.”

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