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Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Foretold Us All Things

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


Joseph was one of twelve brothers, the second to the youngest. God gave him dreams of a future time that had the power to destroy all of the Jews at that time. Joseph didn’t fully understand it, so he talked about it with his brothers, but it was met with rage and jealousy. A plan was hatched by his brothers to sell him to a traveling caravan and then claim a wild animal had killed him. The toxic fruit of jealousy led to lies and more lies, all filled with deception. Their calloused hearts didn’t even seem to care that their plan crushed their father’s heart.


This is a story as old as time… God sends a messenger to bring them insight into what is about to happen, in order to save their lives, and “they stoned the prophets.” Knowledge should bring power and understanding, but the forces of evil twist it and want it to bring fear - SO much fear that they’d rather walk in a chosen state of oblivious ignorance. These people are not prepared for what is coming.


“So be on your guard; I have told you EVERYTHING ahead of time” (Mark 13:23). What did he tell us to watch for? “See that no one deceives you,” is His first warning. A day and age of deception at every turn. Many will claim to be “Christs,” or a “savior” to people. It’s not just false Christs, but anything that takes the place of priority of God in our hearts, including love of self... (selfie anyone?)


“There will be wars, and rumors of wars. Kingdom will rise against kingdom and nation (ethnic group) against nation.” This well devised plan to divide and conquer is greatly successful. It’s normalizing war as “just a part of life,” and as they focus on the temporary battles here, they forget about the battle for their eternal souls.


“Famines and earthquakes will occur in various (unusual) places” (Matthew 24:7). This prophecy is alarmingly accurate. The world now records 20,000 earthquakes a year, and increasing in severity. “The world indeed groans awaiting the redemption that is to come.”


Friends, prophecy reminds us that this world is on a path that is known by God. He wants us to know what we are seeing so we can be “prepared to meet Him.” We must not refuse to hear Truth because we want to “enjoy this life.” We must hear His words, and apply our hearts unto wisdom. He told us “ALL things,” in order that none of us will stand before Him unprepared.

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