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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Father Of Eternity

The reason we have this yearly date of 2024 is because Jesus lives. The One who split time by His birth, gave rise to our calendar of BC “Before Christ” and AD “Anno Domini” meaning, “In the year of our Lord.”


In our generation, this abbreviation has been intentionally changed to BC and BCE (Common Era, and, Before the Common Era – whatever that’s supposed to mean), as a way to drop any association with Jesus for our Calendar.


The Romans named this month “Janus” after a god they claimed was a door. He had two faces, one that could see back to the beginning, and one that could see to the end of time. Even in their idolatries, the Romans adopted Truths found only in God’s Word.   Jesus' name is “Father of Eternity”. He began “time” at the days at Creation. He alone is the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last, and the Door.  One day, “time will be no longer.” We will enter the unmarked days of eternity holding His hand.


Without Jesus we are as momentary as vapor and grass. Jesus, who is Eternal Life, entered time, died for our sins, and rose again in triumphant power over death and evil. By receiving Him, we have been gifted with Eternal Life for the express purpose of spending eternity with HIM.  To be in His hands as we enter the door of 2024 is the safest place to be.


May this year fill us with excitement as we focus on the wonder of His love, the awe of His power, and the thrill of what awaits... "That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).


We can look ahead with confidence, not fear, because Jesus lives.

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