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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Failed Plans?

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


We have to be careful with our thought processes. We are quick to say that our plan has failed simply because it didn’t go as we thought it should. But, are we the captain of our destiny? Do we see the end from the beginning? Only God has our master plan and only He can be trusted to change our plans for His glory. But, do we trust Him to do so?


Noah labored building the ark for 120 years. He had a loving wife and family. Where was his vacation home on the coast to just enjoy his life? In faith, he allowed God to direct his steps, his agenda, and his energies. He saw a purpose greater than his own personal daily happiness and he submitted to the will of God. If not for his obedience, none of us would be here today.


If ever there was a man who had a right to grow bitter against injustice, it was Joseph. But after being abused by his brothers, left in a dry well, sold to slavery… he responds to his brothers, “What you have intended for evil, God has intended for good, for the saving of many souls” (Genesis 50:20). Do we see our trials in this same light? Can we see past the injustice and pain to a plan that is for His glory and our good? We must…


What plans do we have that have failed? But look again… have they really failed? Can we see beyond our circumstances to a Higher plan? When we “Lift our eyes unto the hills, to where our Help comes from,” we will see things in a new light. Is God changing our perspective on what is really important? Is He changing our priorities because time on earth is so short? Is He trying to teach us that our treasures are not here on earth, but in Heaven? Look up…


May we let Him change us. Let Him uproot our plans for His Greater plan. Surrender to His perfect will and don’t fight for what you thought should be. Our failed plans may be the birth of His glorious plan. Anything that is worthy and God honoring, He will not withhold from those that walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11)


Trust him and seek Him above all else.

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