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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Divine Fingerprints

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


A tropical bird egg was found in South America. The young man that found it took it to his father who proceeded to put it in his incubator, as he would do for his chickens and ducks. Weeks later, a chick hatched and grew quickly! He was faithful to feed it and give it affection. Soon, he realized this beautiful bird was a macaw. He built a big pen for it and made it a pet, but it didn’t thrive. He was lonely and despondent. Although he had never flown with a flock of his kind, he knew something was missing. And even though he had never soared high over the emerald mountain ranges, he somehow missed it. He was made for more.


As Believers, made in the Image of God, the same is true for us. We have never seen Heaven but we long for it. We have never seen Christ, but we miss Him. We have never tasted of the unbridled joys of Heaven, but we yearn for it. Our bodies ache with the wear and tear of life, but we know we were made to be eternal, whole and healthy.


Death feels like a brazen robber, taking what wasn’t his - life! We are eternal and our souls scream against this flagrant injustice. Nor, will our souls accept that we are here for a brief 70-90 years, for, “He has placed eternity in our hearts.” We are immortal and we feel it!


We ache for unfettered fellowship with God and our loved ones that have gone before. We are never content to just accept that pain and death are our destiny and the end of our story. He made us for Heaven, for fellowship, for purpose, for eternity, for love, joy and peace without limits, and our three-fold being, (body, soul and spirit), still has the DNA of Heaven and Eden in it, and we are made for More!


Friends, If things don’t satisfy here, don’t be surprised. You are made for Heaven.

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