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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Deliverance Follows

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-laos

Moses had gone before Pharaoh nine times, and nine plagues had been given by God, but still, Pharaoh would not let the Children of Israel go. This slave labor had become a cash cow for him, even building his treasure cities (Exodus 1:11).

But the cries of God’s people grew! Their anguish came before the Lord, and His deliverance was promised, but it didn’t mean it would come easy. Pharaoh had become enraged! “Get out of here! Pharaoh shouted at Moses. I’m warning you! Never come back to see me again! The day you see my face, you will die!” 


“Just as you say, Moses replied, I will never see your face again” (Exodus 10:28, 29). Interesting isn’t it, that Pharaoh thought that silencing Moses would stop God’s plans…

This interaction between Pharaoh and Moses was attended by Another - God heard it all! God saw the rage and the resolve in Pharaoh’s heart to keep God’s children against their will, and use them as cattle, grinding them into the ground of slave labor, without a care for their lives. And He responded… “Then the Lord said to Moses, I will strike Pharaoh and the land of Egypt with one more blow. After that, Pharaoh will let you leave this country. In fact, he will be so eager to get rid of you that he will force you all to leave” (Exodus 11:1).

The very threat that Pharaoh gave to Moses…“You will die!” was the same curse that came upon his firstborn, and every firstborn, throughout Egypt, human and animal alike. “It is a foolish thing to fall into the hands of the living God,” and yet we see our governments, worldwide doing the exact same thing today.

Christians are told that we must submit to their teaching/indoctrinating of our children in our schools and universities, or be called racists. We are told to submit to the medical tyranny or go without work. If we don’t agree with their gen-der agenda, we will be fired, maligned, and our lives forever destroyed. We are silenced daily…

Friends, the list goes on, but God sees it all. He’s present whenever we are told that we “are not welcome here” too. When Pharaoh threatened that, deliverance was just around the corner. Isn’t it a sobering thought that the voices that are the loudest and most threatening now, will stand silent before our Mighty Deliverer…” every mouth will be silenced, and the whole world will be held accountable before God” (Romans 3:19).

Not long now, dear ones. Deliverance is coming.

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