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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Debris & Feasts

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


When Israel was rescued from Egypt, Pharaoh pursued them with his army… but today chariot wheel debris still rests at the bottom of the sea while Israel still celebrates the Feast of Passover.


When Babylon first attacked Jerusalem, God promised Babylon’s overthrow in exactly 70 years. On the night of Oct 12, 538 BC, the Medes and Persians entered through the waterway and overthrew it. Babylon’s debris is still a historic relic for all to see.


Under the reign of the Medes and Persians, Haman plotted genocide against the Jews, but God already had Esther in place to guarantee his overthrow. His failed attempt and God’s deliverance are still celebrated today during the Feast of Purim.


Alexander the Great overthrew the Medes and Persians, and after his death his top four Generals divided the Greek Empire and took power. A Syrian dictator arose in 170 BC, named Antiochus, who tried to wipe out all the Jews again. His failed attempt and God’s deliverance is still celebrated today during the Feast of Hanukkah.


After Greece came the Romans. A General named Titus, in 70 AD, overthrew Jerusalem, killing millions, and scattering the rest as slaves to the four corners of the earth. The ruins of the “Arch of Titus” remains, but Israel returned and still celebrates her Independence Day each year since 1948.  


After Rome, came Hitler. The ruins of his death camps are still standing for everyone to see, but Israel is thriving in her land, while the world marks Holocaust Remembrance Day. And now, after Hitler, comes Hamas. Does anyone question how this will end?


Those holding satanic, genocidal hatred in their hearts should be warned, repent, and get right with Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel. Those forgetting history and hating Israel better decide how they want their story to end. And those knowing their Bibles should tell Israel her King is coming, then look up, for your redemption is drawing near.


There’s another Feast to come.

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