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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Days of Delusions

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Why are so many lies being sold as truth these days? What is the goal of such mind manipulation? Certainly, this demonic drive to force the mind to drop all barriers of soundness has a purpose that will be used for great evil. Scripture tells us what lies ahead…

Because the people “loved not the truth,” God gives them over to their own depraved ways and they believe the vilest things - that surgically mutilating a little boy so he can be a girl is compassion. That killing a newborn baby is loving because it’s upholding female rights. That imprisoning pastors for warning the people, is actually protecting society from hate speech. That everyone goes to heaven and that there is no hell…

These delusional days are preparing hearts for the antichrist. He will be fierce, even cruel, beheading all who won’t take his mark and worship him, and yet, the majority will worship him as god. Whatever he says, they will believe. Their ability to discern right from wrong had been broken down and destroyed already. And the preparation for that has already started.

 For those that love the Lord, and love Truth, these days will be hard to watch. God gives a warning…  “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).  A judgment will come for those that promoted lies and evil.

John 6:63 lays it out simply and beautifully – “Your Spirit (God), brings Life (eternal life)! Human effort (the flesh) accomplishes nothing (without You). Thy words are Spirit and Life.” May we counter these deceptive days with speaking Truth from God’s Word. “His Word will not return void (empty).” And it has the power to bring Life to the lost, and Truth to the deceived.

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