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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Dangerous To Hell

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

A new convert to Christianity had heard the Gospel from a fellow soldier. He confessed that much of his career had been removing dangerous men from certain governments. But the eternal aspect of the Gospel gripped his soul. “All of us are eternal. We can “remove” evil from earth, but they are still alive, in hell, forever.” As a new Believer, his vision became bigger…  “We need to be dangerous to hell. We have Words of Life, and Liberty through Christ. We should be sending SWAT teams to the gates of hell, and robbing hell of its power.”

How refreshing to hear a bold, fearless faith! Once we are children of God, we have been given power - great power!  - “But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12)

Do we fully comprehend that when we pray, the God of all creation hears us? Do we understand that God invites us to fight this spiritual war together with Him, and through Him we are more than conquerors, and destined for victory?  Have we forgotten that “In our tongues is the power of life and death?” With our words we can lead many out of Satan’s grip into the eternal, abundant life in Christ. But many are silent…

May we not be like a pharmacy that withholds remedies to those that are desperately ill, even though they have the power to save lives. We are to be “Instruments of God, salt and light, used for His glory as vessels of honor.” If we do this right, we will most definitely be dangerous to hell.

 What a Power we have!

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