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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Counting Up

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


When we anticipate an event, we usually say we are “counting down.” But God gave His people an event to count up… “You shall count to yourselves from the day after the Passover Sabbath (Sunday), fifty days…” (Leviticus 23:15). This is exactly what the disciples did. The count began on resurrection morning and finished at Pentecost (meaning 50 days), on a Sunday morning.


Fifty, in the Bible, is the number for counting the days of wheat Harvest. The pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost was the beginning of a spiritual harvest of souls from all the nations of the world that will culminate in a physical year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25).


The year of Jubilee was a 50th year where all debt was forgiven, prisoners released, lost inheritances restored, and families reunited. It was a picture of the spiritual realities of forgiveness through the Cross (Passover) and made available to the world (Pentecost) by the Spirit.


Jesus used Jubilee terms when He told the Apostle Paul… “Go open their eyes and turn them from darkness (without hope) to light (in Christ), from the power of Satan (prison) to God (liberty), that they may receive forgiveness of sins (debts paid by His blood), and inheritance (family reunited) among those who are sanctified by faith that is in Me” (Acts 26:18). 


A great resurrection harvest is coming soon, when Christ returns to gather His blood-bought people upward. Today is a reminder that our Rapture is guaranteed in Christ.… “Be patient therefore, dear family of God, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the Husbandman is waiting for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it… be patient also; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord is drawing near” (James 5:7).

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