A seasoned pastor was asked what he sees as the biggest problem in our world today. Many listening fully expected his answer to be, “hardness of heart, or “the love of sin,” or apathy, but he had one word… "Blindedness.”
From this blindedness comes hardness of heart, a careless lifestyle, and a love of sin. “Satan, who is the god of this age, has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4)
When we look around our world, evil is active in so many places, destroying lives, but the people refuse to see it as anything other than “natural disasters.” When others offer to pray for them, it’s met with a scoff and a “if you think it will help,” type of attitude. They are blinded by Satan as to what is really going on.
May we pray specifically that their eyes would be open to the Truth of Christ, as it was prophesied in Isaiah 42:7, that He would “Open the eyes of the blind.” This was literally true through His miracles, as well as spiritually true through the enlightenment that was received upon acknowledging Him as Lord and Savior.
This type of blindness must be earnestly prayed over. The darkness of these end days is gripping, requiring a spiritual intercession. And when the veil is lifted? Oh the joy of watching the once blind now see everything through the Light of the wisdom of God. May the blind be given Sight.
(Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos)