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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Beauty's Designer

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


The Love of God is seen all over the world in this beautiful world He has made for us. Each chiseled mountain range towering above turquoise lakes is not an accident. Each radiant sunset reveals a Designer of breath taking and unlimited beauty. It’s all a foretaste of the greater beauty that He has prepared for us in Heaven.


The thousands of different songs the wild birds sing are, note for note, warble and trill, designed as a peek into His love for music and beauty, all wrapped in tiny feathered creations. What will Heaven’s music sound like when a fallen earth still reveals so much of His majesty?


The author CS Lewis, wrote that one of his life’s deepest longings was to find the Source of all beauty, for in knowing the Creator of such magnificence, he could then know the depths of His beautiful heart.


It is this same Beautiful Heart that holds the patent on all creation - color, music, aromas, and flavors. Why did He give it all to us? Because by seeing them, we see Him. And by seeing Him we know He is a loving, magnificent Lord.


He made you and me in His image, unlike all of His other creations. Why? To love us and to bring us into fellowship with Himself. He desires to show us so much more of His majesty in our Heavenly Home, but this is reserved for those that have received Him as Savior of their souls. By receiving Him, our souls are now saved and are awaiting the day when all of His creation will be renewed.


Oh, the joy of knowing the One who made us and has gone to prepare a place for us. It will be spectacularly beautiful!

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