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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Back To Babel

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Human nature, apart from God, has not changed since ancient times. There’s something else that hasn’t changed since the beginning of time, the goals of Satan to dismantle all that God has done, unravel the family unit, make marriage seem pointless, strip the children of innocence, THEN, remake it his own way... letting pride be a driving factor of each human heart. Encourage each person “to make a name for himself.” Narcissism (the love of self) will blossom! Our enemy is predictable, if nothing else. But the goals are bigger than only that which makes up our personal lives. He knows he cannot stop God on his own, but he believes if he turns the whole world against Him, he will succeed in robbing God of His blood bought bride (all who believe.) Therefore, globalism is his strategy. Just like Babel, he will bring people together in unison, in their own haughty intelligence, separate from God. There are powers in high places building a spiritual substitute for God - yes, AI will be a part of this. A political global government is marching forward with these common goals in mind, and a financial totalitarian system, comprising a one world currency through a central digital bank currency is being installed. No more cash! These goals are all a return to Babel. If only the Christian’s could realize that this “death to nationalism” that is being preached from the pulpits (as they accuse their congregants of making their country an idol) is just the church assisting in globalism. Nationalism must die for globalism to live. Friends, Satan is going to get his wish - a world without God, without His Word, without the Judeo-Christian values that formed society, and ultimately, without us - God’s children. The Lord is soon going to take us to our Real Home, to be forever with Him. Satan knows this too and is preparing the world to explain away our absences with the push for everyone to believe in UFO’s. He would rather people believe in anything but God! What a joy to have the Word of God that told us all that would happen, and has happened in perfect detail! We won’t be deceived; we see what’s really going on. The rise of the antichrist government is forming before our eyes, but Jesus is so near! He declared the end from the beginning, and nothing will change His divine Word. The globalists may think they are herding us like cattle back to Babel, but we are headed Home!

Come Lord Jesus!

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