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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

All Things Are Possible In Christ

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


NASA has a poster hanging on their wall - a picture of a flying bumble bee, that states, “Aerodynamically, a bee’s body is not made to fly; the good thing is that the bee doesn’t know this. The law of physics says the bee cannot fly; this principle states that the breadth of its body is too great for the size of its wings. But the bee doesn’t know anything about the laws of physics, scientific logic, and just flies with the greatest of ease.”


How like the Believer, as viewed by the disbelieving world. Those that trust in Christ baffle the world. Why do they have joy in the face of so many trials? Why are they so peaceful as the world churns in perpetual turmoil? They don’t know that through Christ, we break the laws of logic, being called “Overcomers and Conquerors,” by the One who is always victorious.


Consider Joseph, who now was second in command in Egypt after years of betrayal and cruelty by his brothers. According to human logic, he now had the power to enact the ultimate revenge, but God doesn’t work within the realm of human reasoning and vengeance, He calls us higher… Joseph stated to his brothers, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people’s lives would be saved.” (Genesis 50:20)


Jesus, upon the cross, took our sins upon Himself and made the great exchange - our sins for His righteousness, and our mortality for His immortality. “While we were yet sinners, He died for us.” Only through Jesus is the impossible possible. Our frail, mortal bodies are only temporary in Him, as He has promised us new glorified bodies that will never ever die.


May we throw all human logic and reasoning aside and trust in the One who makes ALL things possible and eternal. “In Him is life and life more abundant!” (John 10:10)


Praise His Name!

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