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Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

All The Noise

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

It is no wonder that our present day is filled with so much noise - it is the trademark of confusion, the handiwork of the Evil One. For we know that, “God is NOT the author of confusion, but the Author of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33). And, “In the multitude of words, sin abounds!”

In a seminary class, a role play was done with a dozen students. 10 of them were told to shout out their demands to the person seated in the middle of the room. Each person represented an entity of life, one health, one finances, one relationships, etc… one person was NOT to shout but to calmly represent the voice of God, inviting the person to “Come away and learn of Him.” Afterwards, the person in the center of the room was asked what he heard, and he heard much of the demands of life, but not once did he hear the, “Still small voice of God.” (1 Kings 19:12)

There are many skills that we sharpen over time, but one that still remains the most difficult, is to quiet the noise of our own minds as we get alone in the quietness with God, to read His Word, pray, meditate on what was read, pray some more, and hear from Him. We will find that our noisy mind is no different than a rambunctious monkey, constantly barging in, throwing ideas around, and robbing us of the quiet we need. We must pray to discipline our minds.

When people say that they “haven’t heard from God,” it’s most likely that they haven’t been with Him alone. He won’t shout to compete with our social schedule, or our projects list. He deserves and demands that we carve out time with Him alone, and then we will hear Him speak with the most satisfying words of life and encouragement that we’ve so desperately been longing for.

Did you know that He longs to meet with you? And that if you can’t find time alone for Him, He’ll often wake you in the night, or cause you to be unable to sleep in order to help you find the time. Your heartfelt prayers rise before Him as sweet incense, filling His senses with so much love and joy. He has wonderful things to share with you; things that have been heavy on your heart and mind… He waits patiently… we hear His invitation calling - “Come away with Me. Let us go alone to a private place and rest awhile.” (Mark 6:31)

May we learn to shut off the noise, and the busyness, and enter into His presence. In it, there are treasures to be found, and food for our hungry souls. He will meet us with such great joy, and feed us with the bounty of His goodness, so much so, that we won’t leave hungry or thirsty, but satisfied and refreshed.

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