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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

All The Earth Shall Sing

Having grown up on the mission field, there were few Believers in our social circle. We met in homes and there were no Christian teens in my school. Early in my marriage, my husband and I traveled to attend our first Bible conference. I had no idea what an impact it would have on me.

There were about four-hundred people in attendance, and as we stood to sing, I could only sob. I had never heard so many voices praising God altogether – I just wanted to listen. My heart was bursting. To be on the mission field is to be alone. To go to public school as a Christian teen is to feel alone. To dedicate our lives to church-planting and evangelism in remote places, is to work alone (I speak regarding fellowship, for the Lord is always with us). For the first time in my life, the wonderful reality that the Family of God is global, active, and waiting to be called together, hit me. That experience has put a longing in my heart for that great Gathering awaiting us at the Rapture.

Psalm 66 holds these beautiful words… “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: sing forth the honor of His name: make His praise glorious. Say unto God, ‘How awesome You are in Your works! Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to you. All the earth shall worship You and shall sing to You: they shall sing to Your name.’ Selah (consider this)!”

For Believers, singing is the celebration of victory in Jesus’ name. How vital is our weekly fellowship, small or large, to rehearse for that coming day when all the earth shall sing of our Savior who has overcome the world.

Anticipate it.

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