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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

A Word Fitly Spoken

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

The prophet Jeremiah was feeling hopeless. His country, Israel, had been dispersed and the land lay desolate. He sat confined in prison wondering where the promises of God were. Tears flowed, but he continued earnestly in prayer. (Jeremiah 32:16, 17)

It is here, that the Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, a six-part message that brought Hope out of despair… 1. That the city would be rebuilt and reestablished. (Jeremiah 33:1-6) 2. That the captives would have their sins forgiven and be restored. (vs 7-8) 3. All of this goodness will be done for the glory of God. (vs 9) 4. That Israel would have both joy and plenty. (vs 10-14) 5. A way will be made for the coming Messiah. (vs 15, 16) 6. That the house of Israel will be established and flourish, and the gospel will come from there to the whole world, as long as the world stands. (vs 17-26) How precious were the promises of God to one that was consumed with the present hopelessness! Every word that God spoke came to fruition, and still remain today. God is not done with Israel, nor is He done answering the prayers of His bride, the church. We, too, like Jeremiah must remember that God sees beyond our current events to the bigger picture, and He delivers tangible hope to those that are in despair.

We must take note that the prayers of Jeremiah were constant, not a “one and done” approach. “The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” Even through tears, we must not grow silent. Jeremiah’s prison cell was no barrier to God hearing and answering his prayers. Just as no cancel culture, no “defriending” or shadow banning can stop the work of God. Our prayers are delivered to the throne room of God and each one is heard and answered. Take heart, dear ones, God has a word for us, too. A word fitly spoken for such a time as this, to refresh our souls and revive our hope. Read His word today and be blessed.

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