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Bringing you the truths of the Gospel the way the Lord would  want you to hear it.

Living in the Light of ...  

The Return of Christ 




The Church's mission is not to try and please the world to attract converts. It is to glorify Christ through the Gospel. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me." The Good News that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, doesn't end there! The Gospel includes the imminent return of Christ, to receive from this world those who have received Him as LORD and King, before the wrath of God descends in judgment.


In a world that calls evil good and good evil, and places more value on peer approval than on God's approval, Christians are called to be Ambassador's for Christ and not to lose sight of His official business - seeking and saving the lost.  The time is short. History, Science, and Archeology, and the signs of the times, bear witness to the irrefutable truth of God's Word, giving us assurance for all that is future. Today is one of the most exciting periods in world history - we are awaiting the imminent return of Jesus Christ!


May the truths of Christ published here strengthen you to stand against the entrapments of the world, the wiles of the Devil, and the growing winds of apostasy. Look up and lift up your heads: the King is coming!  Serve Him with joy… "your redemption is drawing near!"

Roland & Lisa Cataford


Through thirty-five years of marriage, three children, and six communities, Roland and Lisa have continued sharing the Gospel of Christ throughout the province of British Columbia, and are presently involved in their second church plant.


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